
Installing dependencies

As described in the previous section, Sandalphon depends on Jophiel, Sandalphon, Sealtiel, and Gabriel. Make sure you have installed them.

Installing Uriel

First, follow the main Judgels setup instructions if you haven’t. This means that you should have installed Uriel by running

judgels pull uriel

and should have modified the common configuration keys in conf/application.conf and conf/db.conf.

Configuring Uriel

First, let’s configure the dependencies so that they can work with Uriel. During the configuration, we will set some configuration keys in Uriel’s conf/application.conf.

  1. Add Uriel as a client in Jophiel. Then, assign the client JID and secret values to Uriel’s jophiel.clientJid and jophiel.clientSecret. Assign jophiel.baseUrl to Jophiel’s base URL.
  2. Add Uriel as a client in Sealtiel. Then, assign the client JID and secret values to Uriel’s sealtiel.clientJid and sealtiel.clientSecret. Assign sealtiel.baseUrl to Sealtiel’s base URL.
  3. Add Uriel as a client in Sandalphon. Then, assign the client JID and secret values to Uriel’s sandalphon.clientJid and sandalphon.clientSecret. Assign sandalphon.baseUrl to Sandalphon’s base URL.
  4. Add Gabriel as a client in Sealtiel. Then, assign the client JID and secret values to Gabriel‘s sealtiel.clientJid and sealtiel.clientSecret. Assign Gabriel‘s sealtiel.baseUrl to Sealtiel’s base URL. Finally, assign the client JID to Uriel‘s sealtiel.gabrielClientJid.
  5. Add acquaintances between Uriel and Gabriel, vice-versa, in Sealtiel.

The rest of configuration keys are:

aws.{teamAvatar, submission, file}.s3.use
Whether to use AWS as the storage for {team avatars, submission files, contest files}. If set to true, then the rest of the aws.{teamAvatar, submission, file}.* keys below should be modified accordingly.
aws.{teamAvatar, submission, file}
The bucket name for the S3 storage.
aws.{teamAvatar, submission, file}.s3.bucket.regionId
The bucket region ID for the S3 storage. If not present, will be used.
The base URL for CloudFront for the S3 storage. You must set up CloudFront.
aws.{teamAvatar, submission, file}.key.use
Whether a pair of keys must be used for connecting to S3. For example, if the EC2 that hosts Jophiel has been associated to a role that has permission for connecting to S3, then this value should be false. If not present, then will be used.
aws.{teamAvatar, submission, file}.key.{access, secret}
If a pair of keys must be used, then these are the access and secret keys, respectively. If not present, then{access, secret} will be used.

Adding initial admin

Uriel has been successfully installed and configured. Now, we need to have a user with admin role.

  1. Find your user JID in Jophiel.
  2. Set the roles column to user,admin in the corresponding row (that contains your user JID) in the uriel_user table.
  3. Re-log in to Uriel. Verify that you can view the Users menu on the left.