
Creating contests

  1. Open Uriel and click Contests on the left.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Fill in the values. Most fields are self-explanatory. The ones that aren’t are:

    Exclusive Contests?

    If true, then if this contest is running for a contestant, then the he cannot access the other contests.

    Use Scoreboard?

    Whether to enable scoreboard in the contest.

    Incognite Scoreboard?

    If true, then a contestant can only view his score in the scoreboard.

    Requires Password

    Whether a contestant must type a contest password to enter a contest.

The configuration you just filled above is general configuration. Specific configuration are available depending on the classification below.

Contest classifications

Contests in Uriel are classified based on three aspects: types, scopes, and styles.

Contest types


A normal contest with fixed contest times. Configuration specific to this type are:

Scoreboard freeze time
When to freeze the scoreboard.
Official scoreboard allowed?
Whether to show the official (unfrozen) scoreboard.

A contest where the contestants can choose when they start their contest themselves. Configuration specific to this type are:

Contest duration
The duration of the contest for each contestant.
Who can start the contest?
Can be Contestant (for indivudal contests) or Coach (for team-based contests).

Contest scopes


Everyone can join this contest. Configuration specific to this type are:

Register start time
Registration start time.
Register end time
Registration end time.
Max registrants
0 for unlimited.
A user must be added manually to this contest to participate.

Contest styles

IOI-style contest.
ICPC-style contest. Currently NOT IMPLEMENTED.

Both styles have language restriction specific configuration. Ultimately, the languages allowed for a problem in a contest are, the intersection of languages allowed for the problem in Sandalphon, and languages allowed for the contest.