
This page describes how to properly install Judgels on your system.


The following packages must be installed on your machine(s), for all Judgels applications:

All Judgels applications can run on any operating systems, except for Gabriel.

Here are the requirements for each specific Judgels application.

Jophiel, Sandalphon, Uriel

(no additional requirements)




To install judgels, you need to clone the latest version of judgels from GitHub and run “scripts/” to clone all of its’ submodules.

After cloning judgels from GitHub, you can run each applications from their directory by executing “activator” or “sbt” (only for gabriel and gabriel-commons). From the submodules, the directories with suffix “_commons” are to reduce codes duplication. Please refer to Play Framework and SBT documentation to run the applications.


After installing judgels, you need to fill the configuration such as database, session cookie name, etc. There are default configuration files in “conf” directory or “src/resources/conf” (for Gabriel) with suffix “_default.conf”. You can copy the configuration files, remove the suffix “_default” (i.e. application_default.conf -> application.conf) and configure the values accordingly.