Basic concepts

This section will explain the basic concepts of Judgels codebase.

Technology stack

  • Java 8 for most code.
  • Scala for Play’s views.
Play Framework 2.4.2 (Java) for Judgels Play applications.
Template engine
Twirl for Judgels Play applications.
MySQL for Judgels Play applications.
JPA (Java Persistence API) implemented with Hibernate for Judgels Play applications.
Build system
SBT, wrapped in Typesafe Activator.
Moe Contest Environment (the Isolate module) for Gabriel.

Project structure

Judgels repositories are hosted on GitHub, in Judgels organization (

The main repository is the judgels repository. The responisibilites of this repository are:

  • Hosting Judgels command-line tool, which will be used for installing Judgels applications.
  • Hosting Judgels documentation.
  • Being the central GitHub issue tracker for all Judgels applications.

For each Judgels application <app>, there will be a repository named <app>, which hosts the application code. In addition, for some Judgels applications, there is <app>-commons repository, which contains parts of the application that can be used by other applications that depend on it:

Consists of basic dependencies used by all applications.

Mainly consists of:

  • Base model components and their connection management with the database.
  • Base view components that are shared across all Judgels Play applications. For example: base look-and-feel layout.
  • Base controller components.
Consists of components used by Jophiel clients for connecting to Jophiel.
Consists of components used by other Judgels applications for rendering problems and submitting solutions to Sandalphon.
Consists of interfaces of grading engines.

There are also some repositories related to blackbox grading capability, which is the only grading capability right now.

Consists of implementations of grading engines which are blackbox in nature.
Consists of views and forms for configuring grading in problems.

Finally there is a repository that deals with Java API between Judgels apps:

Deals with Java API between Judgels apps.

Judgels Play application layers

Judgels Play applications are built on top of Play framework. In Play framework, the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern is used. In Judgels, we use two other patterns: Service and DAO (Data access object).

It will be easier to explain with a diagram. Suppose that a user wants to change his profile on Jophiel. Here is the flow of events that will happen in Jophiel, numbered from 1 through 11. For completeness, we will explain from the start of Jophiel. Each component will be explained along with the explanation of the events.

  1. Admin starts Jophiel, using judgels start jophiel or judgels run jophiel command.
  2. The Play’s Global object is loaded and run. It will construct all controller classes and their dependencies (services), using dependency injection with Spring Framework.
  3. User makes HTTP request to change his profile, by opening the URL http://localhost:9001/profile on his browser.
  4. The request is passed to the Play’s Routes object. Based on the request string (/profile), the correct controller class and the action method is called. In this case, UserProfileController‘s profile() method is called.
  5. The controller checks whether the user has the right permission to perform the action. Then, controller calls the correct method in the service object responsible for user management. Services are objects that do business processes of the system. In this case, UserProfileService‘s updateProfile() is called.
  6. The service calls the DAO (Data Access Object) to retrieve the user entity model from the database. DAO is an object that provides interface to do queries to the database, regardless of the database’s SQL variants. We use Hibernate for wrapping the SQL queries. In this case, UserDao‘s findByJid() is called. The user’s JID is passed to the method.
  7. The DAO finds the correct user record in the database, wraps it into an entity model object, and return it. Entity model is the Java class representation of a row in the database table. Fields in entity model represent columns in the database table. We use JPA (Java Persistence API) for describing the table and columns in Java. In this case, the user entity model class is UserModel. We also use metamodels; see Syntactically correct and type-safe JPA queries in Play 2.0 for more details.
  8. The service retrieves the returned user entity model, and wraps into a user business model object. This business model represent data structure that does not depend on database, and is used by controllers, views, and the other services. They do not care how the business model was constructed. In this case, the user business model class is User. Normally, the business model class is similar to its entity model class counterpart. Then, the user business model object is returned by the service.
  9. The controller retrieves the returned user business model. Then the controller uses the user’s properties to construct the form object. In this case, the form class is UserProfileForm.
  10. The controller passes the form to the view object to render. We use Twirl, the default Play’s templating engine. The whole view and form are rendered as HTML page.
  11. The controller returns an HTTP response to the user. The user is then able to fill the form for changing his profile. The flow finishes.

Database design

Judgels adapts the database design explained here: Phabricator Database Schema. Some highlights:

  • Each object in Judgels has a JID (Judgels ID) in the form of JID-XXX-YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, where X is object type code and Y is a shortened UUID.
  • No foreign keys, since we want that objects can be transferred between Judgels applications. For example, we may want to create a set of Judgels instance for OSN, and then transfer the problems back to the central repository.
  • Properties that are not to be queried and have complex structure, are stored either in harddisk or in database as JSON strings.

Additionally, each object has the following fields:

  • userCreate, timeCreate, ipCreate: user, time, and IP when this object is created.
  • userUpdate, timeUpdate, ipUpdate: user, time, and IP when this object is updated.